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Medical Field Training for the Emergency Tactical Unit.

Tactical Situational Awareness for Tactical Solutions.

Individual Training to Avoid Lethal Consequences in Dire Situations.

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Our Team

TEAMS is a group of highly trained Law
Enforcement and Emergency Medical
Professionals dedicated to preparing for
the “worst-case” scenario. We offer
courses for civilians, school faculty,
corporate employees, Law Enforcement
agencies, and Emergency Medical
Services. Our instructors have decades
of experience and training in Tactical
Law Enforcement and Critical Care
Medicine. TEAMS offers a variety of
courses that can be customized for your organization.

Our Affiliations

Team Rubicon Region 6


First Contact Course

The First Contact Course is designed for civilians in the corporate or education environment in the first minutes of a hostile event before Law Enforcement or Emergency Medical Services can arrive. This 4 hour course will prepare school teachers or corporate employees to survive a violent incident.
Topics include: evasion, barricades, basic trauma care, evacuation, protective tactics and law enforcement/emergency medical response.

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Tactical/Medical Response to an Active Shooter

Tactical/Medical Response to an Active Shooter is designed for Law Enforcement and Emergency Medical Services in response to an active shooter scenario. This is an eight hour class that integrates basic tactics and medical treatment and evolves into a multi-threat, mass-casualty scenario. It forces LE and EMS to work outside their normal comfort zone and utilize a team approach to succeed.

8 CLEET/8 CEU hours
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Advanced Tactical/Medical Response to an Active Shooter

This is a 16 hour/2 day advanced course designed for Law Enforcement and Emergency Medical Services. This course is based on a major terrorist attack in a busy metro city. LE and EMS respond as a unified strike team to evolving scenarios involving direct and indirect threats. The team must overcome a variety of both physically and mentally challenging tasks including multiple shooters, hostage situations, wounded civilians, downed officers, IEDs, and WMD.

16 CLEET/16 CEU hours
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We can teach you the medicine you need to know for any tactical engagement.

You can learn team-first medical action needed to accomplish your objectives.

Loss of life casualties are avoidable with the latest techniques and strategies in all tactical situations.